


February  2024.   No. 135

 Editor :- Alan Bradwell  (Tel.  557203)


The Events and Programme of Talks for 2024, arranged by Marie, is on our website.

Our next Meeting is :-

16 FEBRUARY 2024  —  “Industrial  Calke”    by  Colin  Stewart.


At the December Meeting, Alan delivered a summary with slides of the research work in Darley in 2023, including Reports and Booklets issued, followed by a Fuddle of good food and conversation.

In January, the AGM Meeting went smoothly, when the Chairman and Treasurer gave their Reports for the Year 2023, which were accepted by the Members.  At the Election of Officers for the Group, Chairman Alan stepped down, as he had indicated earlier, and Secretary Marie Gibson was willing to stand as Chairwoman, and was duly elected by the Members present.  Marie took the Chair, and the existing Committee members, who were all willing to continue to serve in their posts, were re-elected by a show of hands of the Members.

As Marie steps up as Chairwoman, she cannot also act as Secretary and Talks Organiser.  She has completed the 2024 Talks Programme already, and Liz Lockwood has volunteered to organise the 2025 Programme.  But a Secretary is needed to keep Members informed and deal with enquiries, so please volunteer and contact Marie.

After the AGM, Liz Lockwood presented a run-down of the complexity of the Evans of Darley family-tree, and their roles in developing and managing the cotton mills  and their village, as well as managing their property at Boscobel House in Shropshire, now belonging to English Heritage.


St. Matthew’s Church Records – A new project has arisen, prompted by John Bishop, who wanted help in sorting and indexing the records stored in the church.  The paper records are stored in various rooms, and in the tower of the church and are in need of protection from decay.  Liz and Barrie have had a meeting with John in the church to examine the records and have produced an 8-page summary of actions needed.  They conclude that the material needs to be stored better, and much needs to be photographed and indexed so that it can be stored and sorted digitally, so that it is known what is there.   The church wants to offer much of the material to the County Record Office and / or the Local Studies Library, but also some to DAHG, and this needs to be decided.

A second meeting was held at the church on 7th Feb. (JB & Colleagues plus MG, LL, BL & AB) to look at the material and discuss how to scan, record and store it digitally and when and where to carry out the work.

For this project to go forward, DAHG needs volunteers, for sorting and indexing (possibly at home), for photographing and for setting up databases.   DAHG could gain much new information about Darley from this project, so please volunteer – contact Liz / Barrie on 01332 832024 or

Liz also got a mention in St. Matthew’s Parish Magazine for her research into two Darley men who were awarded OBE’s for service to the community, based on an article by John Bishop in that magazine, and which had already featured in our Newsletter.

Darley Fields

Andrew Thurman continues his research, from the Phillipines, into Deeds, Wills and land transactions in Darley.  He is chasing the location of some fields adjacent ‘Shroggs Close’, which he thinks is near ‘Olers Close’, the cricket field, and which is mentioned in several early (AD1600) Wills; if you can help, please contact him.  


 Andrew can also remember as a lad seeing a sign in Darley Park near the toilets pointing to “The Maze”, but he never saw it.  Can anyone remember it ?

  Please get in touch and share your memories.

Books etc. …..

We have an ever-growing archive of books, Reports, maps and other memorabilia.

An updated book list will be issued in due course and made available electronically too.

Members (only) to note that any item can be borrowed by contacting Barrie through the group email address.  

As you know all Booklets can be purchased from Graham’s Village Shop and via the website. These sell at the current Booklet price of £2.50 each (plus p & p, if required).

Use our DAHG email address to get in touch.

All emails are appropriately distributed.

Visit our website at: Alan Bradwell,   –  6 February 2024

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